
Most Cheap Money Transfer
Article transfer money out of this country in my opinion quite complete to make a reference in international trade.

I also supplement my previous article "
How the Export-Import Bank for Some Countries" is the background of this article is made,

Transfer to Foreign Affairs

1. Western Union (WU)
This is the most inexpensive way, WU agent also many in Indonesia as well as abroad. Transfer fee according to the experience that made this article the previous

You can check price for some country
Westerunion money transfer

Minus, money transfer must be taken manually to the WU agent, does not go directly to a bank account. The mechanism, time send money, the sender gives the name to whom the money is sent, and then will be given a code Remittance Transaction Number (MTCN), and country of origin of remittances. This code is then notified to the recipient. As he took the money the recipients carry an identity card (passport or other) and mention code. Transfer process in real time, so when the sender finished his business at the time the agent is also the recipient was able to take in the destination country and the following link transfer method with Western Union.

2. Export - Import Bank to Bank
Export-Import Bank
This is a special case, where candidates do not want to take money via WU, aka the money should go directly to His bank account. The cost is quite large, my experience transfer from the account Mandiri (Indonesia) to UK (Barclays) taxable costs nearly Rp 400,000 to the nominal transfer of approximately Rp 31 million. Plus there is a waiting time of about 3 business days to ensure the arrival. Necessarily follow the exchange rate is the exchange rate of the bank concerned.

Bank to bank actually quite competitive in terms of cost compared WU transfer, but the real-time factor is still lost even though the WU more complicated. But in terms of exchange rates, some comparing opinions WU better rate of commercial banks.

3. Take Cash or Card Visa / MasterCard Logo
Visa & Master Card Logo
It is for the case where the carry ATM BCA abroad, and take it from there ATM machines, people in the UK experience, charged Rp 25,000 per withdrawal but time in Thailand say count Rp 18,000 per transaction if Saudi me forget..hehe. I've also attracted ATM BCA from Thailand, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. The trick is do not do some of the withdrawal to minimize the cost of withdrawal. What is the maximum withdrawal? may fit the maximum amount of BCA ATM withdrawals. 

but it uses the ATM logo Visa / MasterCard are more expensive than the BCA / Cirrus. There is experience in the UK, if the ATM BCA on the same day the exchange rate of Rp 18.739 per £ 1, while Visa Rp 19,500 per £ 1. Some say that the BCA is cheaper because the rate used adalaha Cirrus, not Visa / Master card which was much higher. 

4. Paypal
Inspired by the experience of a friend who study in the US last year, he was using paypal to transfer from America to Indonesia. Previously he already had a Paypal account Indonesia, where the Indonesian bank account registered to receive the pull of Indonesia Paypal account. Then, he signed a Paypal account US where the US bank account registered in the US Paypal account. So, he can transfer from Paypal US (pulling US bank account) to Indonesia Paypal and Paypal moved from Indonesia to Indonesian bank accounts. Her experience, transfer worth $ 600, the transfer fee is only $ 3. Then from Paypal Indonesian Indonesian local banks to free that pulled him over USD 1.5 million. And minuses, Indonesia Paypal transfer to local Indonesian bank account takes two days. experiment (simulation) in a manner similar use Paypal Paypal UK and Indonesia. Transfer 150 pounds, and his fee ONLY £ 0.75 alias o.5% (I tried 100 also 0.5% fee). Cheap is not it? Unfortunately, only transfer a maximum of 150 pounds. I do not know whether it was the policy of his Paypal UK (UK bank policy is strict, for example, even for a cash deposit at the Bank restricted to a maximum £ 4,000). I have never tried the trick, but it may be circumvented by performing several times a Paypal transfer fee of £ 150 is because it will remain% of them.              
Then, why not use Paypal option vice versa? Apparently when I try from Indonesia Paypal to Paypal UK, his transfer fee to £ 34.2 (3.4%) for the transfer of £ 1,000 (maximum limit corresponding limit credit cards, do not forget to wear CC taxable cash withdrawal fee also in the bill). If Paypal UK can be registered with a UK bank savings account, Paypal Indonesia should be no distinction; for transactions using CC, while tensile savings account balance using Paypal. Perhaps because of the policy of Bank UK where a bank savings account can be negative (debt), known as Bank Overdraft.
But if I personally have never done rek transfer to me. because Paypal on my need for online transactions. yes advised not been paid enough for this blog. if you want to open the following PayPal link

5. Orbitremit
There are other ways besides Paypal, namely through Orbitremit. I've never tried, but to transfer up to a maximum of 9.900 pounds from the UK to Indonesia transfer fee 'only' £ 5. Very cheap to me that his transfer large amounts, and do not need tricks Paypal models. But if the transfer amount slightly (under £ 1,000), Paypal more interesting.

Update: Experience Orbitremit, was limited to a maximum of Rp 50 million to enter Indonesia (Indonesia said, according to the rules). Fairly quickly, a total of about 2 days (48 hours) or less has entered into a bank account in Indonesia. So Orbitremit already have an account Bank Indonesia (which entered into my account via the account Orbitremit BSM). All done and monitored online. Passable competitive exchange rate, although it does not seem as high as the buying rate in Indonesia (the origin is not in the Airport). Oh yes, the first transfer free shipping.

6. Skrill
Moneybookers (Skrill) is one of the means of payment (payment processor) online reputable and reliable in the world, especially in the world of online gambling, one of which uses this payment service is bwin which is the largest online gambling sites in the world. In addition, many online sites such as eBay, Skype, Dell Computer, Nike Store, Kinect Xbox, etc. accept payment by Moneybookers.

So for you who like to shop online or prefer to do online gambling bets, perfect for registering Moneybookers, because I create a Moneybookers account it is not hard and it's free too.

Note: The conclusion of this article you probably can deduce and where the best and safest in transaction out the country and also for the purposes or needs what you are doing this transaction,
you yourself can draw conclusions.

Maybe that's all the information I can give.

