
Fi project
Google does not cease to give convenience to Internet users around the world through innovative products and investment results. This time it comes from Google's latest project is Project Fi. Project Fi Google is the first product in the field of telecommunications menyedikan WiFi service to access the data that the smartphone user does not require the provider or a mobile operator.

This of course makes a lot of mobile operators become frightened. Quoted from vivanews, where cellular operators in All country, one of which the XL (indonesia cellural operator) come to speak about this project will affect business Fi mobile operators and prompted the government to review prior to granting licenses to Google.
It is not likely Google would potentially be the main rival could even get rid of the other mobile operators. Fi system project itself is arguably a very easy and fair, because users simply pay a corresponding quota used. So far the new Project Fi in America and is planned to expand to 120 other countries. Do you support the Project Fi?

